Saturday, February 25, 2012

 Le Soufflé

Ini percobaan yang ke 2 kali bikin Souffle, tapi kali ini tetep gagal, tidak sesuai dengan harapan, Souffle yang membungbung tinggi kayak di restorant….aaahhhh kecewaa.
Waktu baca resep ini ada harapan optimis bahwa Souffle ini akan berhasil…sebelum dipanggang, kue asal Prancis ini dimasukkan ke kulkas dulu untuk di dinginin.
Setelah menit ke 12, looh souffle ini tidak sesuai diharapkan padahal semua step telah dilakukan, duuh salah apa yah…
Terus gimana rasa kue ini, eiittss tunggu dulu, soal rasa Souffle ini jelas enak sekali, daku aja bisa habisin 2 ramekin coklat super duper enak ini, walaupun penampakkan belum sesuai yang diharapkan. Luar sedikit keras tapi dalam nya lembut membelai lidah.
Masih penasaran membuat Souffle yang sesuai harapan kayak chef-chef bule tersebut?

Berikut ini resep yang daku ambil dari website nya Valrhona. Tapi coklat yang saya pakai adalah DGF 61% dark chocolate.
Le Soufflé

Types of chocolate: Cocoa Powder & Valrhona Le Noir 61% or Le Noir 68% or Caraibe 66%
For 6 servings - 6 small ramekins
Cooking time: 20 minutes

6 oz
Valrhona Le Noir 61% or Le Noir 68% or Caraibe 66% ==> 170 gram used DGF 61% dark chocolate courverture 61%
4 very cold eggs, separated
3.5 oz (3/4 cup) powdered sugar ===> 100 gram

1 tsp Cornstarch
1 tsp
Cocoa Powder
6.75 oz Cold Cream ===> 190 gram
Butter and sugar (to grease mould)

  • Beat the egg whites until stiff, gradually incorporating the sugar.
  • Carefully butter the molds and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Roughly chop chocolate.
  • Sift together the cornstarch and cocoa powder.
  • Add the cream to the cornstarch and cocoa in a pot. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly.
  • Take the pot off the heat and add the chocolate, whisk thoroughly and then add the egg yolks. Mix until smooth and glossy.
  • Carefully fold part of the beaten whites and then add the remaining whites.
  • Pour into the prepared molds.
  • Set aside in fridge until ready to bake.
  • When you are ready, preheat the oven to 375 F.
  • Put soufflés in the oven straight from the fridge.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes, until puffed and crusted on the top, but still soft ine the center. Serve immediately.
Chef’s tips:
Serve immediately on a plate with Ice Cream, Whipped Cream, Fruit Compote or Fresh Fruit.
Alternate Method:

You can also make one large soufflé and bake it at 350 for about 20 minutes.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Tiramisu, my blackberry group's friends discussed it until late three days ago, they discussed where find the mascarporne; sometimes difficult to find it in big supermarket such as C4.
The one that we find easily is Yummy's product; local mascarporne from Indonesia, but the shelf life is too short, only 1 month and the price is not cheap, 42,000 idr.

Actually, I have already made tiramisu 2 weeks ago in Palembang once visited my parent for Cap Go Mei festive.  when i looked for mascarpone in my hometown; Palembang, could not find it. Perhaps the shelf life is too short that some bakery ingredients stores do not store it. So I've tried tiramisu powder that the taste is not really my preference, but no choice.

Have you other choice for mascarpone products besides Yummy?
Puglia and Tatua, Puglia is made from Australia, weight 500 gram cost you 123,500 idr and Tatua is made from New Zealand, price is cheaper than Yummy and Puglia, cost you 33,000 idr for 250 gram. Anyway the most important, the shelf life is longer, 3 months.

When blogwalking, I've found sponge cake that made me want to try it, as my previous sponge cake did not make me satisfied, the texture did not spongy, dissapointed. But once I tried this sponge cake recipe from Ria Icip2 di dapur, I'd love this recipe. Why, the owner recipe said the truth, it's not sweety, chocolate, moist, and still spongy. I love you mbak Ria, thanks for sharing the recipe.

If you don't use sponge cake, you can use Lady Finger, buy it in big supermarket or big fruit stores. Actually standard of Tiramisu cake is cookies from Italian, but for this time I used sponge cake instead of cookies.

Source : Ria-Chocoloveid
Ingredients :
5 eggs
10 egg yolks
150 gram castor sugar
15 gram emulsifier
100 gram cake flour
10 gram corn flour
10 gram milk powder
30 gram choco powder, I used varlhona
50 gram dark cooking chocolate
100 gram butter
1 tbsp choco pasta
1 tbsp mocca pasta
How To :

1. Preheat oven 180 celcius
2. Grease baking pan 22 cm
3. Combine dark cooking choco dan butter, melted in microwave. Let it cool.
3. Sieve together cake flour, corn flour, milk powder, choco powder.
4. Beat eggs, castor sugar and emulsifier until fluppy and light.
5.  Adding dried ingredients, mix it until combined.
6. Pouring pasta into melted butter and add into the mixture. Mix it until combined.
7. Bake for about 20 minutes.
Source: NCC recipe
Modified by Kimkim

250 gr mascarphone Puglia
300 ml whipping cream, whipped
100 gr powdered sugar
½ sdt vanilla extract
4 egg yolks
50 gr castor sugar
2 pieces of gelatine, melted with cold water, and steamed it.

For the syrop imbibage:
2 tbsp instant coffee, I used Starbucks Espresso
150 ml warm water
1 tbsp sugar, I don't use
150 ml kahlua / rhum, I used Baileys original

Mix the ingredients above together.

Garnish:Whipped cream, choco powder, red cherry or choco shards.

How To :
  1. Beat whipping cream and powdered sugar until thick.
  2. Beat egg yolks, castor sugar and vanilla until thick, then put it the on the steamed water, beat until the egg yolks dissolve and warmed. Remove the bowl from the heat, continue to beat until the batter become cold.
  3. Put out the whipped cream from the refrigerator, adding mascaporne to the whipped cream, beat until the batter combined together. Pouring the gelatine and whipped cream to the egg yolks, stirred it together.
To assemble :
  1. Prepare spring form or pudding glass. Then place sponge at bottom of the form. Soak it with syrop until moist. Pouring with mascarporne cream, smooth it with pallete. 
  2. Place again the sponge cake, and repeat the step 1.
  3. On top decorated with whipped cream, and sieve with choco powder.
  4. Put the cake into the refrigerator for about 4 hours.

And the result, hmmm you can compare it with Tiramisu from 5th star hotel in Jakarta. Coz my ingredients with top premium coffee, Starbucks Coffee and using Baileys..nyam..nyam

 Cookies like Famous Amos

Cookies like Famous Amos, I said that, as I've tried this recipe many times, but my husband's opinion said that too much nuts for the cookies. Portion of nuts too much than the others ingredients.
Ok, lemme try again, using my friend's recipe, hmm still not find the taste that I like; Famous Amos.

Back again, tried the recipe I used before, but modified some ingredients, yippie, finally taste almost Famous Amos hehehe. If you want to make it, you can try my modification. If you have no time to make it you can order it from me ;-p is it simple, right?

Almost Famous Amos

115 gram butter
100 gram caster sugar
90 gram brown sugar, I change into palm sugar
1 egg
½ tsp vanilla extract
125 gram Oats, grind to a fine powder, sieved
125 gram plain flour
1/­8 tsp salt
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
50  gram almond, chopped coarsely
75 gram Guanaja, melted
75 gram milk chocolate chips
100 gram sultana, chopped coarsely

Cooking Methods
1. Whisk butter, palm sugar, and castor sugar until light and fluffy
2. Adding egg and vanilla, beat till well combine
3. Adding oats mixture and mix till combine
4. Adding chocolate and nut then mix till just combined.
5. Leave the dough in the fridge for about 20 minutes
6. Preheat oven to 160 Celcius
7. Lay a baking paper on the cookie sheet
8. Take about ½ tsp of the mixture and put on the cookie sheet
9. Bake for about 22 minutes
10.  Return the remaining dough to the fridge while waiting for the batch to come out from the oven.
11.  Cool on the cooling tray

The taste of cookies are so crunchy, you can't help just pick one cookie, you will pick and pick again and don't blame me if you will forget your meal ;-p

Friday, February 10, 2012

 Green Tea Chiffon Cake

Sudah lama tidak buat cemilan untuk sarapan pagi, semalam setelah pulang kantor tertarik bikin sesuatu, tapi apa yah, bingung cari ide.
Bongkar lemari ketemu majalah Sedap edisi Chiffon Cake, mata langsung tertuju pada resep Chiffon Cake Cokelat, tapi kok tidak tertarik dengan  segala coklat kali ini. Oh yah, langsung teringat ada bubuk green tea yang masih tersimpan.
Mulai deh resep tersebut saya modifikasi total, pengen tahu hasilnya bagaimana. Waktu proses pemanggangan aroma green tea harum semerbak memenuhi ruangan dapur…

Green Tea Chiffon Cake
Source: Majalah Sedap
Modified by Kimkim
145 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
5 gram green tea bubuk
95 gram gula kastor
100 gram minyak goreng
60 ml susu cair
7 kuning telur
7 putih telur
½ sdt garam
95 gram gula kastor
Poppy Seed

Cara Membuat:
  1. Campur terigu, green tea bubuk ayak kemudian tambah gula pasir. Aduk rata.
  2. Tuang campuran minyak goreng dan susu cair ke campuran terigu sambil diaduk dengan whisk kemudian tambahkan kuning telur. Aduk rata. Sisihkan.
  3. Kocok putih telur dan garam, kocok sampai setengah mengembang kemudian tambahkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok sampai mengembang.
  4. Tuang sedikit sedikit adonan putih telur ke campuran terigu sambil diaduk perlahan dengan spatula.
  5. Kemudian tuang adonan ke loyang chiffon diameter 20 cm tanpa dioles margarine. Taburin dengan poppy seed di atasnya. Oven selama 35 menit dengan suhu 180 derajat
  6. Setelah matang balikan loyang di atas piring, berhubung loyang chiffon saya berkaki jadi tidak usah di atas botol. Biarkan sampai dingin, baru keluarkan dari loyang.
Pagi tadi sebelum sarapan, mulai deh tata dikit meja makan buat acara pemotretan, kasih garnish buah cherry sekadar pemanis. Jepret menjepret..selesai, chiffon cake nya langsung so yummy karena ada aroma green tea yang mengoda. Apalagi ditemenin secangkir Latte, hasil french press Starbucks Coffee "Pike Place" tambah serasa berada di cafe.

Sayang kopinya tidak difoto karena di buat setelah selesai pemotretan, next mau cobain Starbucks Via for the cake.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

 Klappertart Wilton

Siapa sih yang tidak tahu Klappertart, dessert ini begitu populer dengan bahan dasar kelapa muda yang di mix dengan susu dan kismis, jadi adonannya seperti vla. Paling enak dimakan yummy.

Sudah berapa kali coba resep klappertart tapi resep Klappertart Wilton termasuk yang paling enak, karena di lapisin dengan putih telur dan dibake.

Klappertart Wilton
Source: Resep Kursus Wilton Fatmawati
Posted by Alm Ruri

1000 cc fresh milk
250 gr gula pasir
50 gr tepung terigu
50 gr tepung custard
50 gr maizena
150 gr mentega
6 btr kuning telur ==> bisa ditambah max 3 btr kuning telur
2 btr kelapa muda
100 gr kenari panggang cincang kasar
kayu manis bubuk

6 btr putih telur
4 sdm gula pasir
2 sdm terigu
kismis direndam air hangat, peras dan ciprati rhum dan kayu manis bubuk
kayu manis bubuk

Cara membuat:
1. Didihkan 800 cc fresh milk dan gula pasir.
2. Larutkan terigu, custard, dan maizena dengan 200 cc fresh milk
3. masukkan campuran susu dan tepung ke dalam susu panas, aduk terus sampai mengental dan meletup-letup.
4. Adari api, masukkan mentega aduk rata
5. Masukkan kenari dan kayu manis bubuk
6. Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu
7. Masukkan daging kelapa muda, aduk rata
8. Masukkan adonan ke dalam cup sampai 3/4 tinggi
9. Bakar dengan cara au bain marie selama 15 menit dengan suhu 160 der sampai setengah matang.
10. Kocok putih telur dengan dimixer sambil dimasukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sampai kaku.
11. Masukkan terigu, aduk rata dengan spatula.
12. Semprotkan toping putih telur ke atas adonan 1/2 matang sampai cukup tinggi, taburin dengan kismis dan kayu manis bubuk.
13. Bakar lagi sampai topping berwarna kekuningan.
14. Selamat menikmati.

 Hainan Chicken Rice

Well, kali ini dalam bahasa Indonesia, karena posting ini udah lama saya submit untuk NCC event online week di bulan October; NCC Chinese Food Week.
Waktu itu submit Nasi Hainan.
Berikut posting yang daku submit untuk milis tercinta:
Selamat Hari Minggu Para Ibu Trio Funky,
Perkenankan daku ikut Chinese Food Week yah....(asli ngiler dengan logo nya) Cakeeeeep, kasih 2 jempol deh.
Menurut sumber dari Wikipedia, Hainan Chicken Rice berasal dari China, tapi lebih kenal kalau makanan ini berasal dari Singapore. Kalau di Singapore masakan ini sering ditemukan di gerai food hawker.
Sebetulnya Hainan Chicken Rice yang berasal dari Hainan cuisine juga disebut "Wenchang Chicken" (文昌雞).
Resep ini saya adaptasi dan peroleh dari
Hainan Chicken Rice


Untuk Kaldu Ayam
1 ekor ayam kampung yang sedangGaram secukup nya4 inch jahe yang dipotong-potong2 btg daun bawang, dipotong-potong 1/4" (ambil yg hijau dan putih)

Untuk Nasi
1 sdt minyak wijen untuk nasi
2 sdm minyak sayur3 siung bawang putih yg telah dicincang halus1 ruas jahe yang telah dicincang halus2 mangkok beras, dicuci, kemudian direndam selama 10 menit atau lebih2 mangkok dari air kaldu ayam1/2 sdt minyak wijen
Untuk sauce
1 sdt garam
1 sdm air jeruk nipis2 sdm air kaldu ayam2 sdt gula4 sdm sriracha chili sauce (bisa beli disupermarket)4 siung bawang putih1'' gingergaram secukupnya
Daun ketumbar sebagai garnish
2 buah tomat, dipotong melintang
2 buah timun dipotong bulat

Cara Membuat:

1. Bersihkan ayam kampung, setelah itu kasih garam baik diluar dan di dalam, sambil memberi garam saya mengurut ayam supaya lemak yang disekitarnya bersih. Kemudian isi perut ayam dengan potongan jahe dan daun bawang.
Siapkan panci dan beri air sampai ayam terendam penuh diatas nya sekitar 1 inch. Masak sampai mendidih, setelah mendidih kecilkan api, rebus ayam sampai empuk kurang lebih 1 jam.
2. Setelah ayam empuk, angkat ayam tersebut dan cemplungkan ke air yang telah diisi es batu. Sambil didinginkan keluarkan jahe dan daun bawang dari perut ayam. Sisihkan.
3. Untuk membuat nasi, tumis jahe dan bawang putih dengan minyak goreng plus minyak wijen sampai harum kemudian masukkan beras yang telah direndam. Tumis beras sampai harum, kemudian masukkan minyak wijen. Masukkan beras tersebut ke rice cooker dan beri kaldu ayam.
4. Sambil menunggu nasi masak, keluarkan ayam dari air dingin, kemudian oleskan minyak wijen dan cincang ayam sesuai yang diinginkan.
5. Untuk membuat chili sauce: Campur semua bahan chilli/sambal kemudian blender sampai halus.
6. Untuk membuat kuah kaldu, tambahkan garam secukupnya ke air kaldu masak hingga mendidih lagi. Bila perlu kasih merica sebagai tambahan.
Sajikan ayam tersebut dengan garnish daun ketumbar, tomat, timun, kaldu dan saus sambal.

Selamat Mencoba!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

 Valentine Cookies

Say your love with sounds crunchy;-p

Currently I find interesting in decorating cookies especially with royal icing, my friends told me that cookies with RI is more better than using fondant...i think subjective for the first time. But once trying with royal icing makes me crazy about cookies. I find the challenge when using royal icing than fondant.
Anyway the opinion it depends on you, whether using royal icing or fondant for cookies decorated.


Since some of my friends would like to ask the recipe some days ago, I put the recipe on my new blog. So my friends can read, try and taste the cake that created by well-known chef from Japan; Hidemi Sugino. The taste of Charme is so heavenly. You must try it. If you can’t make it, you can buy it when you visit Tokyo. Well, which one is the best for you??
The book “Le Gout Authentique Retrouve” is the 2nd book created by chef Hidemi Sugino, my sister in law gave me for the birthday’s gift. Thanks so much to her *xoxo* My dream comes true, so happy to have this book. In Japan, this book, I don’t know, is bestseller or not but try it hard to find in bookstore and finally order via Amazone Japan.

Source: Hidemi Sugino
Modified by Kimkim
Biscuit Jaconde Au Chocolat 22x22 cm x 2
56 grm ground almonds
56 grm powdered sugar
56 grm egg yolks
24 grm whites è whisk it until fluffy
104 grm whites
36 grm castor sugar
44 grm cake flour
16 grm cocoa powder (I used Varlhona)
20 grm melted butter
For the chantily chocolat:
235 grm whip cream è whipped
125 grm dark chocolate ( I used Guanaja)
For the chantily chocolat au lait ( Milk chocolate)
130 grm whip cream è whipped
60 grm milk choco
Syrup Cherry/Griottes 100 grm,
Water 20 gram
Kirsch 20 gram èoptional, I used Original Baileys instead of Kirsch
For the garniture:
100 grm Giottes, but I can’t find Griottes, I used black cherry.
How to:
  1. Jaconde Biscuit chocolate, combine ground almonds and powdered sugar in a bowl, whisk, add in egg yolks, 1st portion of egg whites, whisk them until thick and fluffy. Fold n sifted cake flour and cocoa powder.
  2. Meringue, whisk the egg whites and castor sugar until thick and fluffy then fold in the first batch into together and add in melted butter. Spread the mixture into 2 trays with 22x22 cm . Bake it 230 celcius for 5-6 minutes or depend your oven.
  3. Chantily Chocolat, Fold the whipped cream and melted dark chocolate into together.
  4. Chantily Milk chocolat, fold whipped cream and melted milk chocolate into together.
  5. Syrup, combine cherry/griottes syrup, baileys and water in a cup.
  6. To assemble, place jaconde biscuit at bottom of the mouse ring; I used 20 cm square ring, soak with syrup, then pour in half of the chocolat chantily, afterthat place black cherry all over the surface and pour it the rest of chocolate chantily. Smooth it with pallete, then put it 2nd jaconde biscuit on chantily top. Soak again with syrup then pour it with milk chocolat chantily. Smooth it the surface with pallete, freeze until firm. After firmed dust it with cocoa powder, decorate it with chocolate shards, cherry or even strawberry.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Besides Food Photography, my hobby is photography.


Lapis Legit 22x22 cm @350,000 idr

Lapis Legit Prunes 22x22 cm @400,000 idr

Lapis Surabaya 22x22 cm @250,000 idr

Cookies Choco Almond 500 gram @100,000 idr

Cookies Choco Almond 300 gram @55,000 idr

Decorated Cookies 7-9 cm @10,000 idr

Klappertart with aluminium cup @12,500 idr/pcs

Aneka Pempek, di impor langsung dari Palembang
Pempek kecil (Adaan, Keriting, Telur, Lenjer, Kulit, Pistel) @2,500 idr/pcs
Pempek kapal selam (telur besar) @12,000 idr/pcs
Pempek lenjer @25,000 idr/pcs

Semuanya dibuat dengan made to order alias fresh.
Pengiriman ke Jakarta hanya 14,000 idr/kg

Minimun Order 100,000 idr

 how to order

Silakan order 3 hari sebelumnya dengan proses DP sebesar 20%

 recipe index

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